I can't believe I was gone for so long - thanks for sticking around :)
What a month already! I was in the middle of preparing for Easter: sewing, crafting, baking, painting and cleaning when we got a last minute call from some of DH's family. An extended family member was in a nearby hospital in critical condition and a carload of family wanted to travel from a neighbor Province to come visit her. Of course they would be staying at our place. So, 10 days before Easter I am using up all my clean linens, baking and cooking to house this crazy bunch. It was a good time, I didn't know some of them really well and some had never met our girls so it was a good connecting time.
I then spent 3 days cleaning, baking and cooking again as my MIL and FIL were coming ... 2 days after that my SIL, BIL and their 2 little girls made it here for Easter weekend. It was an incredible weekend, my MIL and FIL have been working/living in SE Asia for 18 years and this is the first time we have all been able to be together for Easter. Easter Sunday we went into our nearby city for an outdoor scavenger hunt and enjoyed the warmer weather outside. Unfortunately they fly back to Indonesia in 15 days so this was also our farewell visit as a family ... we just said good-bye about an hour ago :(

I should probably get back to cleaning, the way this month is going someone will need a place to stay next week! ACK! That reminds me that my brother will be living with us for May and June while he is up here taking a course. I need to get his room ready and start preparing for that extra body, as well the occasional visit from his wife and their children ... What a month for family :)
What a month already! I was in the middle of preparing for Easter: sewing, crafting, baking, painting and cleaning when we got a last minute call from some of DH's family. An extended family member was in a nearby hospital in critical condition and a carload of family wanted to travel from a neighbor Province to come visit her. Of course they would be staying at our place. So, 10 days before Easter I am using up all my clean linens, baking and cooking to house this crazy bunch. It was a good time, I didn't know some of them really well and some had never met our girls so it was a good connecting time.
I then spent 3 days cleaning, baking and cooking again as my MIL and FIL were coming ... 2 days after that my SIL, BIL and their 2 little girls made it here for Easter weekend. It was an incredible weekend, my MIL and FIL have been working/living in SE Asia for 18 years and this is the first time we have all been able to be together for Easter. Easter Sunday we went into our nearby city for an outdoor scavenger hunt and enjoyed the warmer weather outside. Unfortunately they fly back to Indonesia in 15 days so this was also our farewell visit as a family ... we just said good-bye about an hour ago :(
I should probably get back to cleaning, the way this month is going someone will need a place to stay next week! ACK! That reminds me that my brother will be living with us for May and June while he is up here taking a course. I need to get his room ready and start preparing for that extra body, as well the occasional visit from his wife and their children ... What a month for family :)