I don't think we will get to baking today but we sure got some good tree decorations made. I love taking a before photo of the crafting area, reminds me that we aren't always in chaos!

and popsicle stick trees. They all turned out wonderful and are proudly displayed on the tree ... now back to sewing ...
Oh my goodness, has it really been that long? Summer passed quickly for us with illness, visits to the ER and emergency surgery. I had not been feeling well since Easter and in September realized it was all due to an infection running rampant just underneath my skin ... it abscessed and I was rushed into surgery. Now I am recovering from pneumonia, likely came into contact with it when I was intubated for surgery. I am finally feeling better and what is one of the first things I do? Get back on my blog of course!
In the middle of the mess of sickness we also adopted 2 guinea pigs from a local rescue. We haven't had a pet in over 4 years and these girls are so cute ... we just had to get one more!
Today we plan to make some tree decorations and sugar cookies so you will hear from me very soon. It was good to chat again and I look forward to catching up on your blog too.